Monday, September 30, 2019

Electronic Health Record Essay

In the proposed scenario, a Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) with a Post-Masters Nursing Informatics Certificate has decided that the 100 bed hospital that she works in would benefit from transitioning from paper charting to using an electronic health record (EHR) system. She has done initial clinical research and has a solid foundation of best-patient-practice reasons that support this change. She has also researched and studied the information on the government’s websites, and pertaining to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act of 2009. HITECH is a stimulus package approved by the US government allowing $19 billion dollars to be divided between hospitals and doctors â€Å" who demonstrate â€Å"meaningful use† of electronic medical records†(ARRA HITECH Solutions, 2015). She knows that the best way to select and institute an EHR is to assemble a team of m embers with various specialties pertaining to the goals outlined in the stages of HITECH. Stage 1- Data capture and sharing, Stage 2- Advance clinical processes and Stage 3- Improved outcomes. Each of these stages has it’s own meaningful use criteria. As seen in the diagram to the  left. The CNS begins by choosing the members of her team from various disciplines in the hospital. Because this will mean corporate wide changes and adoption. Her list includes the following, from the IT department, a Clinical Nursing Informatacist- chosen for a specialty in how nurses interact with software and what is required for nurses to effectively care for patients, and the Director of Clinical Informatics- chosen for an overall knowledge base of the hospitals informatics resources and requirements including what software and hardware is currently available, what has worked or failed in the past and what changes will need to happen to keep the hospital compliant with patient privacy and safety regulations. She will also need a Corporate Project Manager to organize and disseminate information to the various off-site entities related to the facilities that will need to be on board with this change across the corporation. A Chief Medical Information Officer will be key in providing the perspective of the physicians and their particular needs and goals, and to be a liaison for the staff physicians when the EHR rollout occurs. A Chief Information Officer will bring knowledge about the hospital’s day to day functions that will need to integrate into the new EHR along with how those systems currently function. A Chief Nursing Information Officer will have their finger on the pulse of each nursing unit and be aware of the different user interface requirements that will be needed by different departments for the the specific type of flow and care given. Lastly, a Chief Financial Officer will be able to guide the team on topics concerning governmental funding and current assets along with helping to create and maintain a budget as required with the acquisition of new software and hardware, he will also be able to work with each department’s budget makers when the time comes for allocating training hours and equipment purchases. Along the way the team will need to bring in sub-specialists to give information and feedback as they hone the new system, but for now the assembled team will be responsible for researching, choosing and implementing the best EHR for their hospital. A.2 a-e) Choose 2 real-life computerized management systems and analyze them by comparing their advantages and disadvantages, recommend the best choice to meet the ‘MU’ requirements, describe how the features of the recommended system meet the guidelines outlined in the three stages of meaningful use, describe the impact on quality of patient care, documentation and outcomes. The team is aware that currently they have a computerized system that they use for reporting and tracking labs, radiology and scheduling, but all documentation is paper based. They consider the price point involved with adding modules to the existing McKesson software vs purchasing and implementing an entirely new EHR called EPIC. EPIC appears to be user friendly and able to seamlessly connect all of the facilities under the umbrella of their corporation. They make a list of some of the pros and cons associated with each system. McKesson has the upside of being a system they have already worked with and it has different programs that can be pieced together to meet some of the meaningful use (MU) criteria for compliance. They already have a working relationship with this vendor and some experience with the product. Once the discussion gets going, the team realizes that there are many more bad points than good with McKesson. In their experience, the software modules are connected in a piecemeal fashion that makes it difficult for programs to interface. Quite frequently data is just lost and not retrievable. There are different data entry systems for the different types of departments i.e. OR, ER, labor &  delivery, Med/Surge, radiology, and pharmacy. The different systems do not allow for across the board data harvesting and that makes it difficult and time consuming to track reportable nursing and CMS indicators. The aesthetics of McKesson are something that is frequently complained about by the staff, due to lack of distinctive color transition and eye fatigue. Lastly, the group is very reluctant to continue on building their EHR base with McKesson because the PCPs in the area will not be able to access hospital records, and office visit information will not be available to the hospital based staff. Due to the need for increased man hours in servicing McKesson, lack of discrete data sampling, and the poor continuity of care related to PCPs not having access to hospital data and vice versa, the team decides to choose Epic instead. Epic has the down side of being a system that will require a large initial outlay of funds. The hospital will have to purchase software, and related hardware. They will have to expand the IT and biomedical engineering departments to support and maintain the new system and equipment (something that would have been necessary to a smaller degree with McKesson). They will have to address some retrofitting needs related to wiring and computer instillation and lastly training will be a very big issue. Despite the potential down sides, the team comes up with a long list of reasons that EPIC is the right system to choose. To begin with EPIC is all one system. It allows for seamless interdepartmental interfacing. The PCPs in the area already use a version of EPIC and this will allow for easy data exchange and a patient’s information will follow them easily. The EPIC system has a medication reconciliation form that is easily viewable to all care givers and pharmacies in the area, keeping track of each patients reported medication dose and frequency. EPIC has a ‘my chart’ feature that allows patients see labs, after visit summaries , and to interact with physicians about scheduling, medications and lab results. EPIC has  many built in safe guards, including password protection, continuous backup and recovery programs so no dat a is lost, and the vendor provides continuing support as needed. EPIC comes in 3 pre-bundled, customizable templates, each already set up to meet the Meaningful Use (MU) criteria without having to alter the program. The team can look at the three available options and determine if one fits them perfectly, or find the closest one and alter it to fit their specific needs. Some examples of how EPIC will meet the Stage 1 MU criteria are computerized physician order entry, checking for drug interactions and allergies automatically, tracking demographics, keeping current diagnosis, medication and allergy lists, allowing patients to have electronic access to discharge summaries, and it gives patients electronic access to physicians. Once the hospital has used EPIC for at least two years, some examples of how EPIC will help meet the Stage 2 MU criteria are ongoing patient data entry and discreet sampling for report generation. The team will continue to develop the software that demonstrates interoperability in sharing of lab results with other providers and systems. Security risk assessment will be ongoing and built into the system. Smoking status will be tracked on all patients 13 and older and the EPIC software is designed to guide the facility from meeting the Stage 1 criteria to meeting the Stage 2 criteria. Stage 3 MU objectives are projected to improve outcomes. The team is waiting on the final ruling for what the Stage 3 guidelines will be and in the mean time they have a projected goal of focusing on primary prevention measures and improving overall population health. This will include recommended vaccination reminders, smoking cessation assistance, healthy lifestyle and meal planning recommendations, and yearly checkup reminders generated by primary physicians that will crossover to hospital patient charts. Some of the better benefits of EPIC include point and click tabs in the assessment fields, this allows for discrete sampling of information. EPIC utilizes a reporting workbench that will harvest requested, reportable data  and assemble it into a user friendly template. This will benefit the hospita l by reducing former man-hours required to find and collect data for clinical quality measures, public health reporting, and CMS indicators. Discrete data sampling from EPIC will make the hospital a benefit to the community as well by allowing it to track trends and provide information to community health nurses. EPIC comes with the ability to establish hard stops and reminders that allow real-time users to be aware of needs for care coordination and patient specific follow-ups or recommended testing related to treating chronic conditions. It will also allow for symptom driven order entry fields to be immediately available in emergent situations where time taken to look for those things could mean a worse outcome. This is especially important when people present with symptoms of stroke or heart attack. Another EPIC benefit is the different levels of bedside specific PHI protection related to sensitive care. EPIC has a ‘break the glass’ functionality pertaining to all sexual assault and psychiatric admits. This function only allows relevant staff to open and view these patients charts, any others are shown a pop-up warning and a notice is sent to start an investigation of any other person who logs in to theses charts. The team is impressed with the information provided by EPIC concerning scanning patients and medications at the bedside and the reduction in medication errors this causes. The scanners will integrate with the medication dispensing machines already in use at the hospital. One of the major benefits of EPIC is the order entry build. Each physician, with a minimal amount of training, can customize the order entry process to reflect their needs. Medication orders are instantly linked to a pharmacist to double check for allergies, and correct dosing information, and then the medication becomes available, via PYXIS machines on the unit for the RN to administer at the bedside. The bedside dosing requires the patient and medication to be scanned, further eliminating potential erro rs, and provides a pop-up warning if an emergency override is required during any of these steps. While the team acknowledges that training and time to become familiar with the new charting and bedside routine changes will initially impact patient care in a negative way, they have a plan in mind to keep the patients educated on the new system changes and the anticipated better care available to the patients across the board from instituting an EHR system. Having the patients ask questions and give real time feedback will help the team tweek their training and bedside routines to give better, more organized care that results in trackable outcomes. This is just an overview of some of the many functions EPIC has that persuaded the team to choose it as the new EHR system for the hospital. (EPIC and McKesson related information was culled from the authors own experience with the systems and personal interviews with multiple members of the informatics department at St Francis Hospital, Indianapolis campus). A.3 a) Use of Quality Improvement Data EPIC has point and click assessment tabs and a standardized documentation format that links related data. This allows for discrete data sampling related to things like CMS indicators. The hospital will be able to track compliance with things like ‘door to EKG’ times in the emergency department, Foley catheter use and resultant CAUTIs, and the time from when a patient presents with stroke symptoms until a cat scan is done and/or whether the patient receives antithrombolytics as a result. The hospital will also be able to generate reports on errors that occur the via the Risk Monitor Pro incident tracking software. This will allow them to continue researching and improving processes. A. 3 b) Security Standards and Methods EPIC has 24 hour monitoring of staff use while logged in, and the records they access. This is important because hundreds of staff members will be using the system and there has to be accountability if employees were to look up their own records, or the records of friends or family. This  information can be tracked and the employee interviewed and disciplined if needed. EPIC also comes equipped with incident reporting software called Risk Monitor Pro. All staff members are encouraged to use this format to report any incident that might warrant further investigation. It covers every location, type of employee, type of equipment, patient, visitor or vendor. Risk Monitor Pro forms are used to report potential or perceived injuries, faulty equipment, sentinel events and things that have the potential to cause harm or damage. This information can be followed up on by the risk management team, so that process improvement is an ongoing process. The team works with members from the IT department and plans for primary data storage with a redundant back up storage unit that simultaneously updates so if the primary server fails there is no loss of information. They have also planned for a second, off site data storage center that can be used in case of emergency to ensure continuity of services, and keep things up and running while the primary system is off line for upgrades. Lastly back up tapes will be kept at a third site in case both of these areas are compromised, and the system can be rebooted and running again within 72 hours. A. 3 c) Explain how the system will protect patient privacy and meet HIPAA requirements EPIC will protect patient privacy in a number of ways. End User access is limited to only being able to access the information needed to do their jobs. Making the accessible information different for nurses, physicians, registration clerks, radiology technicians, committee members etc. Personnel will only be granted access once they have completed security training and have signed documentation stating that they understand the legal risks and responsibilities when accessing protected health information (PHI). Individuals outside the hospital will have access to EPIC as well, for example nursing home physicians. They will have a read only access granted, but will require multiple patient identifiers to access the information. Also, as mentioned earlier, EPIC will employ security related  chart hard stops like ‘Break the Glass’. A. 3 d) Explain how the recommended system meets HIPAA requirements EPIC helps to meet HIPAA requirements with automated enforcing of access policies, and pro-active alerting that links directly to the risk management department, requiring strong password policies, and automatic logout at end user work stations. EPIC allows providers to protect the integrity of data and recover original data in the case of it being altered or damaged. EPIC users are required to have appropriate training to be able to access the system, and can be locked out in the case of termination. Portable devices carry encryption software that does not allow for third party data extraction or access. EPIC can also quickly generate reports with discrete sampling related to various forms of access. The majority of compliance will be the responsibility of the staff with written policies, documented sanction programs and investigation that is on-going, consistent and documented. A. 3 e) Describe how adopting the system will reduce costs to the organization Instituting this new system will initially generate more costs, but in the long run will save the hospital money in many ways. Meeting the ARRA/HITECH Act requirements will help to offset those cost with financial incentives and avoiding fines and penalties. Having readily available test results will decrease the costs and labor associated with repeating lost or illegible results. With superior organization and data summary tools, the cost for labor associated with studying charts individually and generating reports will be exponentially lower. The need for transcriptionists will be greatly reduced by utilizing dictation software. Facilities for storage of paper charting cost money for upkeep and staffing. An electronic database should make billing and insurance claims easier to process and thereby generate revenue faster. The time it takes for physicians to spend going over complicated medical histories with patients is greatly reduced by  having that information readily available in a database. â€Å"According to a recent study, when hospitals rely on advanced electronic health records they can save up to 10 percent per patient admission† (â€Å"Advanced EHR Cuts Hospital Costs By 10% Per Admission,† 2014). 4. A) Explain why active nursing involvement in the planning, selection, and implementation of the systems is important to the success of the implementation process and meeting meaningful use requirements Active nursing involvement is important to the success of implementing any process that affects care given at the bedside. For the system to be optimized for use, nursing suggestions and feedback are critical. EPIC knows this and has a team of nurses on staff to work with the facility  in developing end-user interface. ‘Nurses’ from the hospital include the advocates, CNS’s, NP’s, LPN’s, managers, and bedside care givers, each with a specific focus and experiences that are valuable when helping to decide how charting should work. Any thing that pulls a nurses attention away from the patient, or is distracting or difficult to work with decreases the perceived level of care and increases the potential for errors. The health care goals of meaningful use include improving efficiency, safety and quality while decreasing discrepancies, involving patients and their families in their care, improving public health outcomes, improving care coordination, and advancing security and privacy of PHI (Gregory & Klepfer, 2010). All of these things are the foundation of every interaction a nurse has with a patient. This is why nursing is one of the most trusted professions, according to the Gallup pole website, nurses come out on top at 80% when people were asked to rate â€Å"the honesty and ethical standards of people† in different given fields (â€Å"Honesty/Ethics in Professions | Gallup Historical Trends,† n.d.). Because standard nursing care already meets the goals outlined for meaningful use, the most important thing the average  nurse can do is to work hard to be competent utilizing the selected EHR software. Advanced users and nurse leaders are important to help guide the EHR selection process in the direction that will improve the bedside interactions and user interface. Clinical nurse specialists have advanced educations and bring the nursing philosophy to the selection and implementation process. All of these roles are vital to the success of any EHR implementation.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Benefits of High School and College Educational Attainment

â€Å"Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for changes. † Johann Von Goethe wrote the previous quote. He was trying to emphasize that everything in life brings about change. Attending high school and college is a decision that brings about consistency as well as change. Even though they both serve the purpose of educating, there are great differences and similarities in the high school and college experience. Honors and advance placement classes in secondary school prepare one for the challenge of higher educational opportunities in college. On the other hand, the freshmen experience in college is much more challenging. One must dedicate much more time to his or her studies in order to succeed. Essentially, in order to move on to a higher educational level, one must enhance his or her character, mature, and accept and adapt to change. Both high school and college make a certain commitment to each student. They are committed to provide the students with remarkable opportunities to pursue and enhance their education. For example, scholarships, loans, and financial aid can provide the student with an opportunity to pursue his or her education, no matter what their financial status is. Aside from the students, high school and college would be meaningless without its faculty. Most teachers and professors in high school and college are well-educated individuals. They have spent some years studying to obtain a teaching degree. As teachers and professors, their main concern (or goal) is for the student to learn, understand, and master the course they teach. The teacher or professor may accomplish this goal by reviewing the material, emphasizing key points, or providing the students with examples that they could easily relate to. Most of them are willing to dedicate extra time to help the student meet his or her needs. Several high school teachers, as well as some college professors go beyond reading, writing, and arithmetic. They teach you about life in general, all its hardships and all its rewards. Receiving a good education is great, but enhancing your individuality and growing as a person is just as important. Some teachers and professors discuss their own personal experiences and lessons, which they have encountered throughout life. These lessons in life could impact the student and educate them as well. As high school or college level students, countless efforts are required to successfully achieve certain goals. One common goal shared by many high school and college students is the desire to get good grades. This goal is not always easy to attain; therefore it requires much effort. Determination, dedication, perseverance, and patience are all key factors for success in school. It is also necessary to pay attention in class, take down good notes, complete all the assignments instructed by the professor, and study (in advance) for exams. These key factors and study habits will help you attain a good grade. Remember, successfully achieving in school is hard, yet not impossible. Another similarity between high school and college is the multi-cultural and multi-racial school setting. It is quite interesting to observe many different and unique individuals coming together for one sole purpose: to receive an education. Similarly, both high school and college provide the opportunity to meet and associate with a variety of different people. Having group discussions in class, and doing assigned group projects may lead to meeting different students that you normally would not associate with. Meeting these different students could result in the beginning of flourishing friendships and wonderful relationships. There is a distinct variation between the teaching methods in high school and in college. In high school, most teachers lecture and dictate the exact notes necessary to pass the exam. Most classes function and interact on a more personal, one on one level. On the contrary, in college, the professor lectures while the student has to use his or her own judgement to gather important information for the notes. Some college classes consist of about two hundred students, making it difficult to carry on class discussions and to become familiar (or build a student-teacher relationship) with your professor. Another difference between high school and college is the change from being fairly dependent to becoming independent. In high school, you are constantly depending on your teachers. You expect the teachers to remind you when assignments are due, or about quiz and test dates. College, on the other hand, is different. All college professors provide their students with a syllabus. This syllabus explains all the requirements and objectives of the course. It is the student†s responsibility to refer back to the syllabus. You have little or no freedom in high school, whereas in college, you experience much more freedom. Along with this freedom comes great responsibility. College professors refer to the students as mature adults, and they have high expectations from each student. High school and college vary in other areas as well. There is a wider age range in college than in high school. A college class may consist of students that range from the ages of eighteen to forty, or perhaps even more. In college, you also receive the benefit of choosing classes that will accommodate your daily schedule. For example, if you have a part-time job in the mornings, you can choose classes in the afternoon. Unfortunately, you do not get this same opportunity in high school. Although getting good grades is a common goal shared by many high school and college students, they have different goals as well. The goals students set for themselves in high school tend to change when they get to college. For instance, when you are in high school, one of your main goals is usually to get accepted into the college of your choice. However, the college student sets different goals and priorities for himself or herself. Now that they already entered college, they are concerned about their major and starting a successful career. Attending high school and entering college is a path in life that many of us choose. This path in life, along with any other of life†s routes, brings about change. You may view change as being positive or negative. Whichever way you view it, change is a part of life. It can bring forth many challenges, as well as adventures and new experiences. When people are confronted with change, some feel awkward and insecure. Although several people attempt to avoid it, change is inevitable. Despite change, these remain: the importance of setting priorities and goals for yourself, having determination, and doing your outright best. (Faith, hope, and love will also remain constant, steadfast and true. ) Do not only grow intellectually (in book knowledge), but be wise and grow as an individual with morals and values as well. The following quote, written by John Dewey, summarizes the definition of education. â€Å"Education is a social process†¦ Education is growth†¦ Education is, not a preparation for life; education is life itself. â€Å"

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Power, Authority and Decision Making Research Paper

Power, Authority and Decision Making - Research Paper Example This paper tells that power may consist of anything that builds and maintains control of man over a fellow man. It tends to be defined as a force despite the fact that one with the power is the initiator or a responder. Thus, power is understood as a relational phenomenon in that persons exert power over others, and that power of an individual to do something constitutes a social relationship that is comparable to another person (Etzioni-Halevy, 1979). In light of this, power has been a crucial aspect of human civilization since time immemorial. In essence, power is physical, political or social. Additionally, in terms of business, power dynamics have the tendency to influence decisions and transactions of people heavily. Consequently, the definition of power could be challenging as it is understood and interpreted in various ways. Hence, power emanates from position or authority, which is capable of influencing people both positively and negatively. For this reason, the concept of p ower is placed in various categories for emphasis for simplicity and understanding (Wrong, 2002). Coercive Power Coercive power is the ability to use the threat to make people do what one desires. In essence, it forces people to submit to one’s demand for fear of losing something. According to Wrong 2002, power in terms of coercion can take many forms. For instance, in the political arena modern state imprison those people who do not act in accordance with the legal mandates (Fairholm, 2009). In regard to history, a majority of nations of the world joined in the boycott of Iraqi Oil in the hope of forcing the Iraqi government to honor the peace agreement that had been put forward in order to end the Gulf War of 1991. In the social arena, coercive power entails pushing someone into a behavior one would not engage in. It is worth noting that most of the coercive power is associated with physical violence. Coercive power is most efficient, when the threat of violence or punishme nt associated with it, is sufficient enough to make the responder consent to the demand. Coercive power is advantageous in situations of impending danger, assuring internal cohesion, over and above, disputes that are of great value to the initiator. For instance, the European countries used extreme and often brutal, coercive power to launch their rule over Africa, and other regions such as Asia. Conversely, even though the power may be impressive in specific situations, it might be useless in some situations especially when the responders to the power choose not to agree to the given threat (Wey 2009). Legitimate Power Legitimate power is derived from the authority of a person’s rate and position in a commanding chain. It is used in day to day life and it increases according to the responsibilities that are entitled to somebody. Never the less, legitimate power can be decreased in case the person who has the responsibility fails to fully meet them. The duration of this type o f power is short-lived as the person can only use it as he, or she holds a particular position.  

Friday, September 27, 2019

HALTH Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

HALTH - Essay Example The findings from the interview would be summarized to respond to the following question: â€Å"Does marital satisfaction decrease with children? Two different sets of married couples were interviewed. One set had been married for more than five years and have three children. The other set of couples had been married for seven years but they did not have any children. The results of the interview are presented in tabular format as shown below: From the results of the interview, it could be deduced that marital satisfaction does not only depend on the factor of raising children. For both sets of couples, it could be observed that both were relatively happy and satisfied (with or without children). It is therefore evident that couples indeed would have wanted to have children, if given the chance. For the couples without children, it was relayed that they wanted to raise them but since the wife was already in her late or mature age when they got married, biological reasons prevented them doing so. As such, they learned to accept the fact that they could not have children and it was evident from their relationship that their satisfaction and happiness was not diminished by not having children. For the couple with three children, it was noted that children provided them with happiness that strengthened their marital bond. There were challenges in terms of meeting financial obligations and supporting the needs of the children; but this was accepted to be part of life. It was noted to have actually helped in striving to work harder to support the children’s needs and to try as much as they can to avail of much entertainment, leisure and relaxation as they could possibly accommodate. Overall, the interview results indicated that although children could have significantly contributed to providing happiness and a sense of fulfillment to married couples, this is not the sole factor that determines marital satisfaction. Even couples who do not have

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Measuring performance of Hospitals at Qatar Research Paper

Measuring performance of Hospitals at Qatar - Research Paper Example Two modes of analysis have been performed namely quantitative and qualitative. A total of 40 respondents have been selected to review the performance of hospitals. The overall performance of hospitals located at Qatar is fair according to the views of patients having different country origin. The service quality of these hospitals have been measured on 8 dimensions, therefore, there are many areas for improvement for these hospitals. The important recommendation includes that hospitals should hire expert medical staff that could better treat their patients and care for them. Medical staff is a critical factor in the success of hospitals as they provide the core services to its customers. Introduction Background of the Project The aim of the project is to review the performance of hospitals located at Qatar, and to measure its performance on the basis of 8 dimensions. ... arch Question Following are the research question which will be answered through the research conducted: Are patients satisfied with overall performance and services provided by hospitals? What is the impact of reputation of hospitals and medical staffs have on patients and their experience? Does the communication matter between patients and medical and non-medical staff and how is the statement true? Are patients getting value for their money? Research Design Methods for Analysis Qualitative The study will use thematic analysis to analyze responses of descriptive questions. The keywords that are considered for evaluation include price, customer service, staff, and location. The frequency of appearance of these keywords are presented in a tabular format indicating the ranking of keywords related to additional suggestions that respondents have made for further improving patient service. Quantitative The study examines each of 8 dimensions of patient service at hospitals in Qatar on th e basis of responses collected from individuals belonging to different origins which includes Qatari, Bahraini, Omani, Pakistani, and Indians etc. The study makes the use of cross tabulation to provide the number of responses and their types for each statement under different dimensions of assessments of patient service. In this way, grouping of responses has been possible on the basis of differences in respondents’ background and origin of their country. The results from this analysis have been attached in this report as ‘Appendix B’. Appendix A is the survey questionnaire. Logic for Data Collection Medium Questionnaires have been used as the data collection medium which is relatively quicker to gather information from respondents than the other modes of data collection. The data can

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Why the approach of Radical Feminism to prostitution is most superior Essay

Why the approach of Radical Feminism to prostitution is most superior - Essay Example While some see no problem with prostitution and defend it, others strongly call for the force of law to dispel this horrendous activity which has grave social repercussions. Many approaches have been identified by scholars over the years to understand and analyze the issue of prostitution. The three key approaches identified by Jaggar in her paper are related to liberalism, radical feminism, and classical Marxism. Each one of these approaches is comprehensively explicated and related to prostitution to analyze the merits offered by all three. My argument is this essay is that of all three approaches, radical feminism is the most preferable approach to prostitution because I believe that the women who engage in this practice do not engage out of free will, but are forced to do so being victims of oppression. To clarify this argument, I will start by briefly discussing the theme of both the liberal and Marxist approaches first and then I will scrutinize my preferred approach at length to prove why it is better. I will also include one objection to my position on this subject. According to the liberal approach as discussed by Jaggar, considering the practice of prostitution illegal or offensive is both a conservative and objectionable ideology. Proponents of this approach argue that prostitution should be decriminalized because taking legal measures against it would be a clear violation of thousands of women’s rights who engage in this practice by full consent. They also claim that any psychological or emotional disadvantages brought by offering sexual services are dwarfed by many benefits in the form of financial assistance ensured by this activity to women. Such liberals consider the defenders of radical feminism arrogant and manipulative who in the name of defending women’s rights actually work to make them more disadvantaged. The liberal approach disapproves equating prostitution to sexual abuse of women. This thought is based on the belief that prostitution is not public but private immorality due to which it cannot be considered a concern of criminal law enforcement agencies. Criminal law should only be concerned with the sources of public immorality like pornography which is a far cry from prostitution. This approach stresses that opponents should realize the staggering difference between prostitution which is harmless and pornography which can be harmful and not attempt to mingle them. Willingly or consciously selling sexual services is not the kind of activity which infringes on public order and decency, so there should be no penalties for people who are involved in this practice on any level (Jaggar, 1980, pp. 349-50). The Marxist approach is not as simplistic as the liberal approach and has more depth to it. This approach draws conclusions about prostitution after analyzing myriad effects produced by it on the society as the social context of any activity is considered critically important here. Marxists agree that p rostitution translates into selling sexual services, but they also argue that this activity resembles marriage a lot in which a woman exchanges same services which are exchange in prostitution in return for financial support ensured by her husband. In the marriage, a man is willing to provide for the woman on the condition that she acknowledges and fulfills his sexual needs. Same is the case in prostitution in which a woman consents to offer sexual services in exchange for money from the men she attends. However, the difference is that a marriage is a legalized relationship approved by the social norms, while prostitution is not legalized and the women who are a part of this are called many derogatory names by the society. It is claimed by

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Final Question 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Final Question 1 - Essay Example In solid fuel fire such as wood contain the volatile oils that normally evaporate and burns into corresponding flames. Carbon is normally left after solid combustion then sublimates from the underlying surfaces of the hot substance thus combusting as a gas. Oxidation is a chemical change that mainly produces heat energy during the combustion process. It mainly creates sufficient heat that starts fire via creation of required oxygen that subsequently causes combustion (Horsfall, 2002). Oxidation can either add oxygen or remove hydrogen Combustion can be stopped by removal of the heat by cooling the underlying burning material, cutting the supply of either fuel or air source and adding of the chemical substances. Cooling of the material is normally done by water, which act blankets and evaporating in contact with fire thus cutting off the supply of oxygen for combustion thus halting it. Smothering agents are commonly utilized in cutting the underlying supply oxygen such as carbon dioxide and it is ought to be utilized on energized electrical equipment as the electrical conductor normally conductor electricity (Horsfall, 2002). Combustion is halted by removing the fuel supply through switching off electrical power and solid fuel. All the three process are mainly treated by carbon dioxide as the main

Monday, September 23, 2019

Criminology -Differential Association + Institutional Anomie Theories Essay

Criminology -Differential Association + Institutional Anomie Theories - Essay Example Agnew assumes that individuals from all social classes engage in crime, as all are geared towards success and economic fulfilment. In fact, the general strain theory should not be confined to economic fulfilment as whether from a low social class or higher, individuals would rebel if what they own is taken away from them and their success therefore hampered or in cases of negative emotions. In such a case therefore, the poor will have to steal or rob in order to recover the lost property or be at the same social level with the rest of the members of the community, while those in a higher social class would engage in fraud or embezzlement of funds, in most cases at the work place so that they can keep being rich; so as to be able to deal with the negative emotions that are as a result of the strain they experience. He further argues that an individual’s inability to achieve the success they aspire, in terms of money can lead to strain and therefore push someone into engaging in crime. He also says, â€Å"Many middle and upper class people in the United States want more money than they can have and obtain through legitimate channels†. Therefore, this strain on an individual to attain monetary success is what pushes them to engage in white-collar crime so that they can deal with the strain completely; mostly in cases where they are not offered solutions for the strain they are experiencing. An individual may for instance fake various documents in order to land a new lucrative job they have always wished to have. This is fraud, which is a white collar-crime. In relation to the general strain theory, white collar crime, just like any other criminal activity is as a result of the negative emotions one has when what they want or need is not being achieved. Fraud and embezzlement of funds for instance in most cases takes place in

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Personal relationships Essay Example for Free

Personal relationships Essay As human beings we all have similar interests however, Rosenbaum (1986b) proposed a repulsion interpretation for this well –established relationship. According to Rosenbaum, attitude similarity does not lead to liking, but attitude dis-similarity does indeed lead to repulsion. Attraction toward a person described by the individual’s personality alone differs when paired with a photograph or political affiliation. With the popularity of social networking and the internet it might be useful to research the subjects of physical attractiveness and similarity when the intimacy factor is absent. Although 94% of internet daters deny that their profile contains any fibs (Gibbs et al,. 2006), psychologists Toma et al. (2008) decided to measure the heights and weights of 80 internet daters, as well as checking their driving licences for real age. When this data was checked against their profiles, it was found at least nine out of ten had lied on at least one of the attributes measured. The most frequent anomaly was in regards to weight. Women tended to shave pounds off, while men gave themselves a boost in height. Even though the vast majority fibbed on their profile it was only by a small amount as most people want to meet up eventually. Toma and Hancock (2010) took photographs of the internet daters and compared them to their online profile pictures. Although less physically attractive people were the most likely to choose a self-enhancing photo, overall the differences were minimal towards the lab photo. Scholars say a certain amount of fibbing is socially even necessary to compete in the online dating world. By boosting one’s attributes, they can increase their chances of a relationship developing in the future. So this would point to the fact that we value goods looks not just in other people but also in ourselves. Opposites attract, well this is not the case when it comes to internet dating. Fiore and Donarth (2005) examined data from 65,000 online daters, the found that people were choosing based on similarities to themselves. That includes ethnicity and religion. Of all the data analysed 80% of the contacts initiated by white members were to other white members, and only 3% were made to black members. Online dating agencies have taken advantage of this fact by setting up dating websites to caterer to this for example JustChristian. com, or Afrointrodution. com. Although researching internet dating is a good way of examining interpersonal relationships, there is only limited data on how well it works. Most of the research is based on heterosexual daters therefore ignores the comparison with homosexual daters. Most people think of it in consumerist terms (Heino et al, . 2010) users are â€Å"Relation shopping†, looking at other people’s features weighing them up, then choosing potential partners, as though from a catalogue, its human relationships reduced to check boxes. Social psychological studies have not so much influenced our opinion on interpersonal attraction, but reinforced the reasons why we find people attractive for example; physical attraction, proximity, familiarity or reciprocal liking. Most of the research is potentially artificial focusing on forced social settings or attitude surveys. It can ignore ecological or cultural relationship criteria. What is prevalent though is the need to form relationships with other people maybe for romantic reasons or friendship. References 1. : Walster et al. 1966. (N/A). Matching hypothesis. Available Last accessed 28th Jan 2012. 2. Duck S. (1995). Repelling the study of attraction. The Psychologist, N/A (8), 60-63. 3. (accessed on 28/01/2013) 4. Arthur Aron, Jodie L Steele, Todd b Kashdan, Max Perez (2006)When similars do not attract: Test of a prediction from the self- expansion model, personal relationships 13, 387-39 5. P H Aronson Interpersonal attraction from first impressions to close relationships chapter 10 6. 7.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Keeping school safe Essay Example for Free

Keeping school safe Essay Keeping the Same School Schedule Everything in life is a chain reaction. An event happen because of a certain event. The New york City Department of Education want to change the schedule of the school. Instead of having 8 hours of school we student would be having an extra 2 to 3 hours of school. The positive part is having a friday as a weekend but this plan is not a 100% plan proof because we cant tell the future of all the good and bad that will happen because of this event. Although we can predict the event with the evidence that is there. Why change something that is plan proof?We live using this schedule for decades. Why change that now? If we change the schedule of the school day, students would travel late makes it the most critical problem to having the schedules change. Traveling late leads to traveling in the dangers darkness.As students it would be harder to see so it makesit harder for us students to watch our waysand watch where are we stepping In some case people are too lazy to pick up and clean their dog poop and we the accidental steppin it.In this case your child will come home with a dirty smelly shoe everyday.In another case murderers would camouflage them self.this way they are ready to attack a child while the child will be the victims without knowing. This child could be yours . Statistics show 414 homicides happen in New york city in 2012.If you think youre safe just because the average of homicides decreased by 20% from 2011,then your wrong.According to New York Times we are the third largest homicide city out of the selected 6 cities. This is not good because your child could be the next victim.The younger ones are more vulnerable. Your child could be the next victims and you woud be weeping for your child to come back in to your arm but hopes are lost.Also school time occur throughout winter and fall.These season are the coldest seasons.So student will get sick more easily because we taveling at night time which is more colder.It more worst for student who hve the school near a bay,river or oceanic land mass.Also imagine your child coming home freezing to death with froz bite. This lead to student be absent more and having medical notes increasing.with the amount of increasing medical notes the child will be missing out on at least twice as much as we are learn because of the longer  day(which equal to more information learned). We will face hunger as another of our big problems. Hunger lead to giant gap of opportunities to eat since the earliest lunch period is third which we call breakfast but some calls it b ranch. Already students are complaining about the lack of food they eat and being hungry all the time in school just because they dont want to eat the nasty and grossing school lunch food. This is a problem because student will be missing out on nutritional value. Missing out on nutritional value leads to malnutrition. Not only student are hungry teacher are human being too. Teacher will get cranky if the dont eat .They will most likely intend to eat in class. This makes student more hungry and can make some students cranky too.As for the elementary school kids like kindergraten and first grades will nagg and win to get food from the teachers.Some student may be violent and will fight for food.This is the idea of Surival of the fittest created by Charles Darwin. Lasty imagine a chid passing out in class due to lack of food being eaten.Also you child would not learn anything because the will fall a sleep in class and will not focus because they are too weak too put their mind to work.In addiction to that when human are hungry we will get sleepy to replace the hungerness because your bodyis too weak and will shut down to save energy. All in total of these factor lead to the the stress level on children increases.Which make adults nervous.The factors increase stress level is overload in work due to the extra classes or longer period of class because of more lessons being done in class.This lead to less work time at night and more homework.Which lead to to lack of sleep.This lead to children unable to pay attention because they are sleepy and will fall asleep in class.If the student dont sleep the student will pass out and go into a coma.Also college resume would not look good without after school activities which we student dont have time for. This will have an increasing amount of children have panic attack and nervous breakdown and high school students unable to continue to a go college and get scholarship. In conclusion,all the possibilities will happen just because of this change will happen.There will be other negative unknown happening coming along the way. LIke without after school activities the obesity level will increase.obesity Is one of Americas biggest concern.It one of the top concern in New york City.Along with the stress level on childrens increases which leads.This will have an increasing amount of children have panic attack and nervous breakdown. Also facing hunger will be a large problem because we are starving our children of the future. and Traveling late leads to traveling in the dangers darkness lead â€Å"accidents†.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Rise And Decline In Teenage Suicides Psychology Essay

The Rise And Decline In Teenage Suicides Psychology Essay Teenage suicides are devastating, not only to the victim, but to families, friends and all who knew the victim. Statistical data show the rise and decline in teenage suicides ages 15 to 24 as far back as 1952. The causes, symptoms, risk factors, are all factors. Studies indicate that young men commit suicide at a higher rate than young women. There are economical as well as social surroundings that play a major role in placing teenagers at a higher risk of suicide. Researchers are finding that medical conditions undiagnosed or left untreated, is contributing to the rates of teenage suicides. Other researchers are finding that warning signs are going unnoticed and with the assistance of schools workers, doctors, and peers and above all, parents, watching for such signs can make a dramatic change in the rates of teenage suicides. Appropriate funding for prevention programs, family as well as school interventions can make a difference between life and death in a teenager who may be cons idering suicide. The purpose of this paper is to explore the causes and prevention programs for teenager suicides between the ages of 15 and 24. The different ways gender, age, and society can influence a teenagers thoughts of suicide is also explored. I will show various warning signs and symptoms teenagers feel when contemplating suicide (Andrews, Tanya David, 2005). The overall purpose of my research is to examine the prevalence of teenage suicides between the ages of 15 and 24. Various studies indicate that economical as well as social problems play a role in teenagers trying to commit suicide. It seems the lower the socioeconomic state, the higher the risk for teenage suicides (Brown, 2001). Other studies indicate that warning signs and symptoms are going unnoticed or untreated. Family histories, drugs, alcohol abuse, all play major roles and school workers, doctors, teachers, parents and so forth all need to be able to recognize and diagnosis such problems and try and reduce teenage suicide rates (Brown, et. al, 2007). Literature Review Many authors agree that social economic status affects the overall suicide rates among teenagers. They also agree that rural areas, sparsely populated areas in communities that have experienced historical trauma and cultural losses (Brown, 2001; Brown, Wyman, Brinales, Gibbons, 2007; Miller Eckert, 2009). Brown (2001) states that upheavals in the economy, job losses and social as well as loss of traditions will only increase suicide rates in teenagers. This author does not mention in his article whether or not economical influences play a role in teenage suicides. Individuals or THE RISE AND DECLINE IN TEENAGE SUICIDES 4 teens living in the lowest socioeconomic areas are more than five times the risk of suicide compared to others (Brown, 2001). Many authors agree that school based curriculum programs, prevention programs, school personnel training involving teachers, screening programs and community involvement are essential tools in preventing teenager suicides. They also agree on the percentage of teenage suicide rates and look at risk factors, warning signs and symptoms (Joe Bryant 2007; Kutcher, 2008; Miller, Eckert, 2009). Joe and Bryant (2007) and Kutcher (2008) also believe that screening of school-aged children can assist in identifying early risk factors and allow for intervention and prevention treatment. Brown 2001, Kutcher, 2008 and Wyman, Brinales and Gibbons (2007) agree that risk factors involving family histories of suicidal attempts, teenagers being exposed to drugs, alcohol, feelings of hopelessness, depression and mental disorders are risk factors that should be diagnosed and treated as a way in prevention methods. Miller and Eckert (2009) believe that factors leading to a decision to commit suicide are triggers such as mental illness, emotional, family turmoil and so forth. Other authors took a look at antidepressants that physicians and prescribe to teenagers for depression and the side effects that could take place (Barlas, 2007; Brent, 2007, Dockasi, 2009; Wagner 2007). All three discuss the Food and Drug Administration, (FDA) and the black box warning labels that are now required to be placed on labels indicating the potential risk of suicide due to the side affects of antidepressants. Teenage suicides are a major public concern in nearly every country. Suicides account for nearly 3% of all deaths, and are the third leading cause of death in teenagers. High school THE RISE AND DECLINE IN TEENAGE SUICIDES 5 students surveyed indicated that 9% have considered suicide and 2.6% have attempted suicide (Brown, et. al, 2007). Discussion Statistics of Suicide According to the World Health Organization, (WHO), teenage suicides have been on the rise from 1952 to 1992. Teenage suicides are the third leading cause of death in teenagers ages 15 to 24, and young men commit suicide successfully at a higher rate than women in over 30 countries. From the 1950s through 1998, youth suicide rates in the United States have nearly tripled (Brown, et al, 2007). Some reasons for such a trend are the loss of traditions, support, and teenagers can no longer rely on their parents as role models. This data indicates that mental illnesses are more prominent now in teenagers and is approaching 20% , compared to 10-12% in the 1960s (Brown, 2001). Suicide Attempt One such case is when an 8th grader stood at the edge of a concrete bridge looking down to the bottom some fifty feet below. All he knew was that he wanted to die; he extended his arms, took a deep breath and leaned forward. In an instance it could have been all over, expect for a stranger grabbing the young man around the stomach and pulling him to safety just seconds before he would have succeeded in committing suicide. Looking back, after receiving the necessary mental health diagnosis, he didnt regret what he tried to do, but he came to understand that what made him do such a thing was what he now understood to be a THE RISE AND DECLINE IN TEENAGE SUICIDES 6 mental illness. He knew he really didnt want to die, but something kept pushing him on, finally with help of a stranger and the right care, this young man can receive treatment for his illness and can live a long and productive life (Henick, 2010). Suicide Deaths Compared to Regular Medical Conditions The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2004, reported a 300% increase in suicides rates. Rates for teenagers 15 to 19 year olds increased 11%. Teenagers ages 10 to 14 showed an increase in suicides rates of 100% (Andrew, Tanya, David, 2005). In 1996, some basic facts are that teenagers died from suicide more than cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneumonia and influenza, and chronic lung disease combined. Nearly one in five high school students have seriously considered a suicide attempt during the preceding school year, and three students made genuine suicide attempts within the last year (Andrew, et al, 2005). There are many risk factors that can influence why a teenager may want to commit suicide and these include, age, gender, cultural and social influences, mental illness, recent losses, family histories of suicides, prior suicide attempts, peer pressure, family violence, sexual violence and so forth (Kutcher, 2008). One such risk factor is the access to the means. Teenagers in the United States succeeded in killing themselves at a rate of 2.5 % due to the easy access to guns at home or from their peers. Suicides by means of guns has increased at a more rapid pace than any other methods used, such as hangings, drugs, and so forth (Brown, 2001). THE RISE AND DECLINE IN TEENAGE SUICIDES 7 Effects of Social and Economic Pressures Teenagers are not immune to the economical state or their social surroundings and the effect it has on their way of thinking or looking at the future. Teenagers surveyed in one study showed results that indicated the lower the socioeconomic status, the higher the risk for teenagers and showed that they had more than a five time risk of committing suicide (Miller Eckert, 2009). Upheavals in the economy have caused undue stress in young people and are making them feel as though they are unable to cope (Brown, 2001). Studies have shown that have linked socioeconomic factors and suicide risks to sexual orientation, social disadvantages, sexual abuse, and so forth. Over 90% of victims found to have at least one mental health disorder (Kutcher, 2008). Teenagers being exposed to alcohol, drugs and other substance abuses are at a greater risk of committing suicide. Hopelessness and suffering, depression, and mental disorders are going undiagnosed or untreated. Separation or divorces of parents causes undue stress on teenagers (Miller Eckert, 2009). Warning Signs and Treatments The U.S. Food Drug Administration, (FDA). In 2003-2004, the FDA issued a public warning that antidepressants could trigger suicidal thoughts and behaviors in teenagers 20 and under after taking the drugs for a minimum of 2 months. The Journal of Medical Association, (JAMA), looked at 5,310 children and teenagers and found that children taking antidepressants added a risk about 2 in 100 of experiencing worsening suicidal feelings above what they had been feeling (Barlas, 2007). The FDA, ordered that THE RISE AND DECLINE IN TEENAGE SUICIDES 8 antidepressant drugs needed warning labels indicating young people are 4% more likely to exhibit suicidal intentions if taking these drugs. The black box warning labels should included in the medications bottle stated an increased risk of suicide may accompany the use of these antidepressants and the black box warnings were placed on the inserts of all antidepressant medication and warned doctors to watch patients closely (Barlas, 2007; Brent, 2007; Dockasi, 2009; and Wagner, 2007). There are many warning signs that family members, friends, and school officials can be made aware and to look for in a teenager contemplating suicide. A very significant sign is the teenager tried to commit suicide previously; mood changes; giving away personal belongings; depression; great sadness; feeling of isolation; withdrawing from family, friends, peers; eating habits; turning to drugs and alcohol, and harming themselves to list a few. Common circumstances are linked to reasons why teenagers are committing suicide. The feelings of being rejected by family, friends, peers, failure and disappointment in oneself, emotional and family turmoil can lead a teenager to look for a permanent solution, such as suicide, since they cannot remedy the problems themselves. Many teenagers do not know they are suffering from a mental illness which could be causing their thoughts and feelings and by diagnosing and treating teenagers with mental illness. There can be a reduction in the deaths of teenagers and continue the downturn in statistics (Shaffer Cowdry, 1999). Studies have shown that have linked socioeconomic factors and suicide risks to sexual orientation, social disadvantages, sexual abuse, and so forth. Over 90% of victims found to have at least one mental health disorder (Kutcher, 2008). THE RISE AND DECLINE IN TEENAGE SUICIDES 9 Family histories of suicide attempts and teenagers who have attempted suicide before are at a greater risk for a second suicide attempt (Kutcher, 2008). Risk factors, such as which populations are at an elevated risk and which risk and positive factors could be targeted for preventing suicide (Brown, et al, 2007). There are various causes that could be contributing to teenagers committing suicide. Preventions of Suicide Curriculum school based prevention programs involving support of staff, screening of students and training teachers of what to look for in a troubled teenager. Involving peers and the community are areas that can also bring awareness to teenagers in need (Andrew, et al, 2005). Prevention programs involving specific information need to be provided directly to students that focus on warning signs and teaching peers how to talk with another teenager contemplating suicide. Knowledge is power and the more knowledge teenagers are about suicide, the better the results will be (Miller Eckert, 2009). Physicians or primary care doctors are key individuals in being able to diagnosis a trouble teenager. They are the first choice of contact that many teenagers want to contact in times of distress. Physicians treating teenagers need to be well educated and know the warning signs and give proper treatment (Kutcher, 2008). One such study analyzed prescription data for antidepressant medications used by teenagers and found that Lithium actually reduced the rate of both completed suicides and suicide attempts in teenagers diagnosed with bipolar disorder (Steele Doey, 2007). THE RISE AND DECLINE IN TEENAGE SUICIDES 10 Many schools are now using screenings for school-age children in an effort to identify teenagers at risk and can assist in identifying early risk factors and allow for intervention and prevention treatment (Joe Bryant 2007; Kutcher, 2008; Miller Eckert, 2009). School psychologists have an ethical and legal responsibility to prevent teenage suicides whenever possible. These psychologists play a vital role in school-based suicide prevention (Miller Eckert, 2009). There are many ways that state governments, public involvement and schools, colleges, healthcare providers and officials can make a difference in the overall teenage suicide rates. The National Governors Association, (NGA), produced a list of recommendations to assist in reducing teenage suicides. They suggest increasing public awareness, creating state prevention plans, establishing school-based prevention programs (Henick, 2010). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2008, surveyed students in grades 9-12, and found that 14.5% of teenagers in the U.S. have seriously considered suicide in the past 12 months; 18.7% of teenagers were females; 10.3% of those teenagers were males; 11.3% of teenagers made a plan about how to commit suicide. Another result was that 6.9% of teenagers made at least one attempt that resulted in injury and required medical treatment (Miller Eckert, 2009). THE RISE AND DECLINE IN TEENAGE SUICIDES 11 The Presidents New Freedom Commission on Mental Health (2003) and the Childrens Mental Health Screening and Prevention Act of (2003), target teenagers who are at risk for suicide. Research has shown that when asked, a teenager will commonly state whether or not he or she is contemplating suicide. Many states now require that schools provide suicide prevention and management. There are three categories of the programs are, curriculum programs, in-service training for teachers and staff, and school-wide suicide screenings of school aged children (Joe Bryant, 2007). In 2003, President Bush authorized 82 million dollars over a three year period by passing a new law aimed at preventing suicides among teenagers and young people. The new law provided states, colleges, universities and other agencies with grant money to start suicide prevention and intervention programs. The Presidents New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, (2003), established screening of children, looking for mental illness, establishing community-based treatment and training for child care professionals in an attempt to stop suicides in teenagers (Joe Bryant, 2007). Laws Enacted The U.S. Congress and Surgeon General passed prevention acts with a main priority for 2010, aiming at addressing and trying to change statistical teenage suicide attempts currently at 2.6% down to 1%. Addressing antidepressants medications and psychosocial programs involving intervention will be done through research to determine hat strategy would be most effective (Brown et. al, 2007). THE RISE AND DECLINE IN TEENAGE SUICIDES 12 Conclusion Our children are our future. Studies that have shown suicide rates among our teenagers over the years have been at epidemic levels. There is a great need for federal, state, and local government involvement. Schools, universities, parents, communities and so forth, need to become aware of the causes, symptoms and address the teenagers needs accordingly. Reducing teenage suicide rates will be challenging, but by identifying risk factors, intervention and preventive treatment programs, funding and practices will definitely make a difference. Ending teenage suicides should be an attainable goal.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Homemaker to Superwomen: The Evolution of Betsy Rath Essay -- Womens

In the 1950’s becoming a wife, having and raising children and taking care of the home was the primary goal for most women. Post war brides were marrying young, having children at significant and unrivaled rates, and settling into roles that would ultimately shape a generation. This ideal notwithstanding, women were entering the workplace like never before and changing the face of American business forever. In the movie The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit directed in 1956 by Nunnally Johnson, we get an inkling of the type of voice American women would develop in the character of Betsy Rath. We are introduced to a wife and mother who leverage her role in the family to direct and influence. The decade of the 50’s signify the beginnings of the duplicity that women would embrace in America, being homemakers and independent women. With the beginnings of the cold war the media and propaganda machine was instrumental in the idea of the nuclear family and how that made America and democracy superior to the â€Å"evils† of the Soviet Union and Communism; with this in mind the main goal of the 50’s women was to get married. The women of the time were becoming wives in their late teens and early twenties. Even if a women went to college it was assumed that she was there to meet her future husband. Generally a woman’s economic survival was dependent on men and employment opportunities were minimal. Though the idea becoming a wife and mother was the most common occupation for women in the 1950’s and by no means was it simple. Women experienced immense pressure to act and be a certain way. The conformity of the 1950’s frowned upon things that weren’t apart of the established way of doing things. In the movie The Man in the Gray Flannel S... ...uld be proud. Works Cited (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Retrieved from Haddock, V. (2008, March 13). Retrieved from Johnson, N. (Director). (1956). The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit [Motion Picture]. Lynette Fitzgerald. (2011, March 12). Retrieved from New content 1999-2002 PBS Online. (n.d.). Retrieved from Women's Employment During the Recovery. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Emergency Contraception Essay -- Biology Essays Research Papers

Emergency Contraception There are many myths surrounding the use of emergency contraception. The question of what it is and when to use it is just a fraction of the controversy surrounding this arguably new practice. Emergency contraception is a method of preventing pregnancy after the act of unprotected sexual intercourse. It does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. However, emergency contraception can not be obtained without a prescription. Why does the US government not trust women with the choice of making sure they do not get pregnant after having unprotected sex? If abortion is a choice and abortion terminates a life, why can women not have the choice to make sure they do not need an abortion? What is wrong with preventing an unwanted pregnancy? There are two types of emergency contraception, pills (ECP's) or copper T intrauterine devices (IUD). There are two distinct pill types, the brand name "Preven" and the brand name "Plan B". Preven contains the same hormones as regular birth control, estrogen and progestin. (1) It causes more instances of nausea and vomiting than Plan Bs, and decreases the chances of pregnancy by 75%. However, Preven can be used as an ongoing form of birth control. Plan B only contains the hormone progestin. It is more effective, decreasing chances of pregnancy by 89%, and has less of a chance for side effects. (1) These pills can be taken immediately after the sex, or up to 72 hours later. (2). The other form of emergency contraception, IUD, can be inserted up to five days after the unprotected sex and is more effective than the pills (99% decreased chance of pregnancy). (1) An IUD can be left in for up to 10 years as a form of birth control, but in some cases can lead to pe... ...e. The American government still denies the request for these to be readily available for American women. Why is this so? In a country where abortion is such a moral issue, you would think that an alternative to having to end a life would be widely welcomed by all sides of the issue. WWW Sources 1) emergency contraception at princeton 2) teen forum on ec, myth/fact based site 3) publication paper, stand on emergency contraception 4) ec connection, valuable resource 5) plannedparenthood, good price list

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Coach Inc Case Preparation Essay

Coach Inc. Case Preparation: Key Facts: Low cost provider strategy Focused on matching key luxury rivals in quality and styling while beating them on price by 50 percent or more; competitive advantage Multichannel distribution model (indirect wholesales to third-party retailors vs. direct-to-consumer sales. Priorities increase global distribution and improve same-store sales productivity Build market share in NA, Japan Raise brand awareness and build share in underpenetrated markets Increase sales of products targeted towards men Create an online marketing presence using, etc 4.2 billion in sales in 2011 (20 percent annual increase) 63 percent were handbags, 27 percent accessories, 10 percent other products 16.7 million to 880 million in net income  2012 direct-to-consumer accounted for 87% of 2011’s net sales, indirect wholesaler had net sales of 540 million Coach, Inc. in 2012: Its strategy in the ‘accessible’ luxury goods market 1. Describe the macro environment of the luxury goods industry. Political Factors: The market in China was restricted for some time by the Chinese government Economic Conditions: the economic downturn in 2007-2009 hurt the luxury goods industry Sociocultural Forces: healthy/green movement, more conservative with money after the downturn etc Technological Factors: more ways to talk to consumers, provide brand awareness, and allow consumers to buy (websites, mobile apps, etc.) Environmental Factors: weather not really a concern in the luxury goods industry Legal/Regulatory Conditions: none mentioned in the case really, other than the counterfeit laws which are in place to help the luxury goods industry 2. What are the defining characteristics of the industry? What is the industry like? Defining characteristics of the industry/what is the industry like includes many competitors, growing demand as middle class and upper class expand, diversity in luxury products (using your brand name and  attaching it to other products/lines i.e., men’s products for coach). 3. How is the market for luxury handbags and leather accessories changing? What are the underlying drivers of change, and how can these forces change the industry? The market doesn’t seem to be changing very much, maybe expanding as more money and other countries are becoming wealthier (India). Drivers of change are new internet capabilities and applications, product and marketing innovation, changing societal concerns, attitudes, and lifestyles Different wants handbags for the more on the go lifestyle, environmentally friendly bags/processes. 4. What key factors determine the success of makers of fine handbags and leather accessories? KFSs are: diverse products, ahead of trends (fashion), marketing research, lower price point than competition, brand loyalty/recognition/awareness 5. What is competition like in the industry? Which of the five competitive forces is the strongest? Which is the weakest? What is the industry’s potential for profitability? Many competitors in the luxury goods industry. Strongest of the five forces I believe is rivalry, competitive pressures come from other firms in the industry, competitors numerous equal size and competitive strength, face high exit barriers, diverse countries of origin Weakest of the five forces I believe is potential new entrants, because brand recognition is so important in the industry Industry’s potential for profitability is high, markets are large and expanding, their sales are already high etc. 6. What does your strategic group map of the industry look like? The three main categories: haute-couture, traditional luxury and accessible luxury The first two are not where Coach competes but where some of its competitors are, where they have created other product lines that compete in the accessible luxury category. DKYNY, Calvin Klein, Louis Vuitton, (last two created diffusion lines) are competition in the accessible luxury category 7. What recommendations would you make to Lew Frankfort to improve the company’s competitive position in the industry and its market performance? Follow their current plans and strategies to open up and pursue growing markets to improve market performance, and increased market share will help their competitive position.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Wikipedia: the Basis of Unreliable Sources

Over the years that Wikipedia has been running, there has been a continuous debate on whether it is a reliable resource or not and no one has been able to come up with a conclusion. However, there are many people who think that they have come up with a compromise, which includes Wikipedia being a good source for basic information but not for the sole information of any given topic. Especially for college students, Wikipedia can get tricky in the sense where it is easy to just read through and agree with; however, it may be misleading and have incorrect information.People including college English instructor Jenny Meister, Marquette University Law School student blogger Jessica Slavin, and Internet executive Mark Moran can all agree that Wikipedia is helpful in college research but only for basic knowledge, not for sole information. Throughout college, students must do a lot of book and computer research in order to do papers, class work and home work. The computer research is what sc ares professors the most because they know how easy it is for the students to click the first link that comes up on Google-Wikipedia.These students seem to get all of their information from the website, which can be edited by anonymous sources at any time. This means that the information is not always correct which can be frustrating to professors. â€Å"As someone who's been there and done the grading thing, I can tell you that when a professor flips to your Works Cited page and glances over your list of sources, a page full of Wikipedia entries is going to spark a frenzy of eye-rolling and red pen† (Meister).College students not only have to worry about having the wrong information in their school work, but also need to consider Wikipedia in their future careers. They must ask themselves how they should use it and the proper way to use it without hurting themselves. For example, law student Jessica Slavin had stated she was only going to use Wikipedia for background informa tion. â€Å"I will admit that I sometimes read a Wikipedia entry if I want background information about a topic. I do not think, though, that I would cite an entry as proof of anything in court† (Slavin).Wikipedia can be useful at times for background information about a topic, however, it can not be trusted because you are never sure who is writing it, if it is from a reliable source, or if the information is completely accurate. In Mark Moran’s blog about how Wikipedia is not reliable he makes one important point on why it should not be trusted for sole information. â€Å"In March 2009, Irish student Shane Fitzgerald, who was conducting research on the internet and globalization of information, posted a fake quotation on the Wikipedia article about recently deceased French composer Maurice Jarre.Due to the fact that the quote was not attributed to a reliable source, it was removed several times by editors, but Fitzgerald continued re-posting it until it was allowed to remain† (Moran). Moran is making the point that it is the contributor with the strongest agenda who â€Å"wins† and it is not always the one with the most correct information, which makes the site less reliable. For many years, Wikipedia has been known as an unreliable source and to be unused in school, although, it can be useful at times for basic information.Throughout college, students use Wikipedia as a main source which is giving them the wrong information in papers, class work, and school work, which is extremely frustrating for the professors to see. The students need to consider their future and if they would use Wikipedia as a primary source when they are at their future careers. College students should be allowed to use Wikipedia, but only as a basic information source in order to get background knowledge on a topic.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Military Dictatorship and Hieratical Political Leaders Essay

Military dictatorship and hieratical political leaders failed in Bangladesh Military dictatorship and hieratical political leaders failed in Bangladesh to institutionalize democracy and ensure development and liberty for the people. It looks like that we have to restart from the beginning. As early as 1965 the late Akhter hamid Khan of Comilla Academy had a vision to take government to the doorstep of common people through a local government and micro- enterprises under cooperative with management support from a rural based bureaucrats and reduce the revenue urden of the central government a corresponding reduction of members in the centralized bureaucratic administration. To invoke public propositions and opinion in this regard, the following few points have been innumerate to be further developed in future. . Bangladesh was liberated by the toiling masses at great sacrifices primarily by farmers, labors and students, though history did not credit them for their role and instead placed all laurels and benefits of the liberation war to the army, politicians, bureaucrats, greedy elitist and business community to whom all the ealth and privileges and legal concessions of all the Governments have been showered upon. Another liberation war is necessary to liberate real peo ples and ensure their development. 2. points were fundamental basis of ensuring all right, entitlement & Justice to peoples of a promised Sonar Bangla. On that same basis we have to restructure & reform our executive & Judicial functions with maximum autonomy & power to local government leaving only such functions as National security, Foreign affairs, Currency, reserve bank & federal financial affairs, Planning upport and coordination, One integrated national Industrial corporation for development of Basic & large Industries, One integrated R & D council for development of Science and technology, with major emphasis on empirical research. One National Multimode integrated Transport Network System, One National IT Centre for networking all ministerial & local government functions, archiving and retrieving data and information etc. 3. Democracy, Socialism, non-alignment and secularism were the basis of our constitution which was tempered and tailored many times by all Governments to suit certain specific objective of some leaders and their party. The basic principles of a constitution should be sealed for any amendment except through referendum only. The 1st constitution of Bangladesh had some clauses with embedded party interest such as preventive detention under article 33, unrestricted tenure for PM;s office article 57, Local Govt. structure and power as in article 59 & 60, blind following of party line as in article 70 and many others. Though all parties derive certain benefits from these, they must be recast to reflect public pinion on them. . The chapters and clauses on part VI Judiciary contains no structural, Judicial and procedural reforms to ensure dispensing timely Justice within affordable cost. The system has become single biggest obstacle towards â€Å"prevention of vices and chapters and clauses on part IX Services of Bangladesh contains no structural and procedural reforms to convert the servants of the colonial masters to respectable employees of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Myopic planning, redtapism and fund crumpling are common causes of all or most project failures in Bangladesh. PSC failure to recruit proper personnel on the basis of personnel integrity, meritocracy, accountability and preference to generalist in place of function based specialist are major causes for rise of a elitist, high living and corrupt bureaucrats who hold every thread of power over political government and who will never allow local government function to be within control of elected local government as the same will hamper their financial interest. . Reorganization of Statutory bodies ; state owned enterprise, public undertakings including banking, securities, and non banking inancial enterprises in Bangladesh is essential as they have substantial bearing on our economy caused due to drainage of capital through loans given to be subsequently classified. Project failure and loss of employment, flight of capital and money laundering, low FDI, management failure, undisciplined labor, lack of accountability and transferency etc. 7. Prepare a total guide line proposal for long, medium and short term development plan for developing Bangladesh with a vision to raise it to a modern state with an egalitarian society by dismantling the existing horrible wealth gap between rich and poor.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Impact of Social Networking Sites on the Youth of India

IMPACT OF SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES(SNS) ON THE YOUTH OF INDIA : A BIRD’S EYE VIEW. Ruchi Sachdev College of Management Studies Kanpur (UP) India Abstract-This paper is focused to find out the answer whether the social networking sites are boon or bane for today’s society. No doubt these SNS provides employment ,marketing ,personal growth ,sharing of information but the most prevalent danger through often involves online predators or individuals. These SNS has great impact on youth of India. One can easily see the entry gate of these social networking sites but it is unable to find exit for these SNS.One side these sites provide to communicate with our dear ones on the other side it creates platform for many cyber crimes. Everyone should be understood that The SNS is a â€Å"child of† computing â€Å"by computing† but† for the society â€Å". So we focused on the fact that how SNS are implementing and used in an effective manner that is also beneficia l for Indian society and what are the role of Indian youth . In this paper we focused on the positive as well as negative impact of these social networking sites on the Indian youth and what are the ethical responsibilities of the users of these sites.Keywords-IEEE standards ,internet,WI-FI, elecommunication, , online ownership, online credibility. SNS(Social networking sites) are connected, both in their leisure time, and at work. There are various factors which have prompted us to consider the implications of these technologies for policy-making. One of these is the willingness of users to embrace SNS as a means of communication and social networking in everyday life. The increasing dependence on technology for basic communication also highlights the importance of analyzing how SNS are affecting daily processes.Sites like Face book, Friend ster and LinkedIn are influencing the way users establish, maintain and cultivate a range of social relationships, from close friendships to ca sual acquaintances. II CHARACTERISTICS OF SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES The basic characteristics of social networking sites can be explained with the help of following table-1 FEATURES Presentation of oneself DESCRIPTION The basic level of entry in most SNS is the setting up of a ‘profile': a personalized page developed by the user in which he/she presents him/herself to peers, through text, photos music and videos amongst others Functionalities.SNS allow users to mobilize and organize their social contacts and profiles in the way they want other members to see them. I INTRODUCTTON Social networking phenomenon has emerged over the past ten years. In that time, social networking sites (SNS) have grown from a niche to a mass online activity, in which tens of millions of internet users are engaged, both in their leisure time, and at work. However, there has been very little research on the socio-economic impact of these sites in the Indian context. In this paper we focused on the impa ct of these social networking sites on the youth of India in both positive as well as negative phase.Social networking is a phenomenon which has existed since society began. Human beings have always sought to live in social environments. The proliferation of social networking sites (SNS) and their pervasion in everyday practices is affecting how modern Indian youth societies manage their social networks. To a significant extent, SNS have shifted social networking to the Internet. In less than five years, these sites have grown from a niche online activity into a phenomenon through which tens of millions of internet users Externalization of dataThe externalization of networks is possibly one of the first times online users have been able to view their own online social networks, and share them with friends and the general public. Some SNS also support applications which allow users to describe the relation between themselves and other members. Though notions of virtual communities ha ve existed since the beginning of online applications, SNS support new ways for people to connect between themselves. Users of these sites may choose to communicate through various digital objects, such as tags and in-built applications within the SNS, such as the ‘visual shelf' application in Facebook.Users may join a community of book readers, connecting through books they have liked [4]. New ways for community formation Bottom-up activities SNS provide the ideal platforms through which users with similar values and interests can come together to collaborate effectively and cheaply. For instance, doctors can share and double check rare medical cases on health SNS such as Within3, or activists can organize a protest through sites like Care2 [5]. A major attribute of SNS' popularity is their simplicity.Anyone with basic internet skills can create and manage an online SNS presence. Prior to SNS, users gained an online presence by having a personal homepage [6]. The drawbacks we re that these homepages are not easy to create and development and hosting of the site often incur costs. In contrast, SNS are free of charge and open for anyone to join. Most of them require registration, while others limit membership through an invitation from members who are already members of the site. SNS support new points of entry to the internet: people's personal worlds.Until recently, people spoke of the internet in metaphors of places (cities, addresses, and homepages). Ease of use Figure 1: Graph 1[2] (a) Negative Impact of SNS on Youth of India Reorganization of Internet geography Table 1[5]: Taking all these characteristics together, we can observe significant changes in how users network and operate their social contacts according to different social environments. In particular, SNS seem to be influencing and shaping the way we communicate between ourselves and how we manage our social contacts.In considering the disadvantages, respondents identified a number of negat ive aspects of online social networking including: (i) the time-consuming nature of online social networking sites, Indian youth admitting that they waste a lot of time on these sites. (ii) Concern about access to personal information by others, with almost half of the youth worried that â€Å"non friends? may see their personal information. (iii) Concern that information posted may be used against them. The waste timing percentage of Indian youth on SNS can be explained with the graph shown it figure 2. IIISOCIAL IMPACT OF SNS ON INDIAN YOUTH There has been significant interest and concern about the risks of online social networking because of access to personal information and the anonymity that the system allows. A number of public cases of bullying and identity theft have put this issue in the public arena. In the survey participants were asked whether they have ever had a bad social networking experience. A considerable number of respondents in a survey (28%) reported having h ad a negative online experience with adults aged below 30 the most likely to export this (60%).These participants were asked to provide further information about the negative experience. For most respondents the experience reflected unwanted contact or people posting in appropriate or upsetting information online. Some respondents specified having online bullying and provided examples such as abusive messages and harassment from someone of the opposite sex. The number of users using SNS according to age group can be explained with the help of the graph shown it figure 1. Figure 2: Graph 2[3] b) Other Negative Impacts Of Sns The negative effects of a new technology are never fully visible in the initial stages due the hype and excitement involved. However with time we observe the more time we spend online the more connected we get hence the urge to not miss out on anything this induces an invisible layer of stress and pressure on the individuals. The very fabric of our societies is n ow beginning to take a new shape. scientist has warned. Sites such as Face book, Twitter and Bebo are said to shorten attention spans, encourage instant gratification and make young people more self-centered. i) My fear is that these technologies are infantilizing the brain into the state of small children who are attracted by buzzing noises and bright lights, which have a small attention Span and who live for the moment. (ii) A 2010 Case Western Reserve School of Medicine study showed hyper-networking (more than three hours on social networks per day) and hyper texting (more than 120 text messages per day) correlated with unhealthy behaviors in teens, including drinking, smoking and sexual activity.Hyper-networking was also associated with depression, substance abuse, poor sleep patterns, suicide and poor academic performance [4]. (iii) While the above studies show actual correlations between social networking and negative consequences, others argue that many other negative consequ ences may exist that have not yet been studied. Some of the harmful effects people suggest social networking has that have not yet yielded conclusive study results include: can also be positives. I guess there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to the effect social networks are having on us all in this day and age.It has never been easier to make friends than it is right now, mainly thanks to social networking sites. Just a few decades ago it was pretty tough to connect with people, unless you were the overly outgoing type able to make conversation with anyone at a party. The rise of mobile phones helped change this, connecting people in a new way, but then social networks sprang up and the whole idea of friendship changed once more and forever. It’s entirely possible to have hundreds of friends on Face book.They may not be friends you know on a personal level and spend time with in the real world on a weekly basis. But they’re friends nevertheless [7]. There are several people I consider friends who I have never met – indeed, I may never meet them – but that doesn’t lessen the connection we have thanks to social networks. Other major positive impacts are given as(d) Speedy Communication: Our time is being stretched thinner and thinner by work and family commitments, but social networking sites offer a chance to communicate in a speedy and efficient manner.Writing an update (i) Social networking websites are causing alarming changes in the brains of young users, an eminent (ii) Encouraging poor grammar, usage, and spelling Allowing the spread of misinformation that may be perceived as fact even in light of evidence to the contrary. †¢ Exposing children to online predators †¢ Creating a culture in which a single mistake such as a racy picture or poorly thought-out comment can cause irreparable harm to your reputation †¢ Decreasing productivity as workers habitually check social networking sites while they should be working. Providing information that increases the risk of identity theft. (c) Positive Impact of Social Networking Sites Social networking isn’t for everyone, but it’s now such a massive part of all our lives, whether we embrace or reject the notion, that it can no longer be ignored. But are social networking sites such as Face book, Twitter, and Google+ a force for good or evil? As with most questions there are multiple angles to approach this quandary from.Having already looked at the negative impact of social networking sites on society, I thought it only fair to redress the balance. Every ying has its yang, after all. Using the previous article as a loose template it’s clear to see that what some people would conceive as negatives for Twitter takes all of 20 seconds and with cross-posting over other social networks switched on, that update reaches everyone you want it to reach (and probably more besides) in an instant[5] . Social networking sites a llow you to live a life unhindered by small talk. e) In Touch with the world: It isn’t just your inner circle of close friends and even closer family members that social networking sites allow you to communicate with easily and effectively, either. They open the world up to you, making it a smaller place than it has ever been before. So much so that I actually haven’t a clue where many of my contacts reside. When it comes to social networks everyone is equal, regardless of location. Family living abroad can be kept abreast of the latest happenings in your world as quickly as those living next door.Friends who you haven’t seen since school, and who have since moved away, are able to keep in touch. Location-based services such as Foursquare and Gowalla emphasize your location but social networking as a whole means it has become a lot less important. Social networking sites have made the world a smaller place. (f) Building Relationships: There is no doubting that s ocial networking sites can lead to the breaking up of relationships. But there is another side to the tale, which is that people are moving onto other, perhaps better, relationships at the same time.Social networks can put you (back) in touch with those you have lots in common with, and that common ground is often the starting point for longlasting relationships. (f) Promises of Ownership and Authorship Online. (g) Maintain Credibility. So the youth of Indian can play an important role to reduce the negative impact of social networking sites sucha that it can be used in the beneficial way. V CONCLUSION IV ETHICAL RESPONSIBILITY OF YOUTH USING SNS The new digital social networking media are a frontier that is rich with opportunities and risks, particularly for young people.Through SNS technologies, young people are participating in a range of activities, including social networking, blogging, vlogging, gaming, instant messaging, downloading music and other content, uploading and shar ing their own creations, and collaborating with others in various ways. Five key issues are at stake in the new social networking media identity, privacy, ownership and authorship, credibility, and participation [8]. These issues decide the social and ethical responsibilities of the youth that using the services of social networking sites. a) Every person that using the SNS should be aware about their rights and moral responsibilities. (b) We should respect the authentication and privacy of those members that are using SNS. (c ) We should follow the ethics of online identity. (d) Create culture of disclosure. (e) Online, a number of strategies—including privacy settings, selective disclosure, code switching, and deception are used by youth to control the presentation of their identities and thereby manage their privacy. Most social networking sites have privacy settings that allow users o limit access to their profiles to a narrow audience of confirmed friends, and evidence s uggests that many young people use them. (e) The online culture of disclosure holds important promises for young people, including empowerment of themselves and others, the creation of communities of support around shared struggles, and the development of a broad ethical sense of responsibility with respect to privacy. No doubt that SNS has great impact on the Indian youth it has lot of challenges which we have to face .There are many questions arise when we think about the impact of these SNS that What does it mean to manage online privacy in an ethical manner? How do online spaces facilitate and undermine ethical thinking about privacy? How much personal information is reasonable to share online? Young people who share personal experiences online taking steps to protect their own and others’ identities, and are these steps sufficient? Is it reasonable for young people to expect a certain measure of privacy when it comes to their online lives?Who is at fault when an unintend ed audience can read a young person’s revealing blog or MySpace page? So we should focus on the ethical use of these SNS so that it serves our society in a right way and the youth can play an important role because SNS is a boob and curse both for the Indian society . In one hand it provides away to connect our dear ones on the other side it gives a platform that become danger for Indian heritage and culture. REFERENCES [1] Introduction to SNS technology, Retrieved on September 24, 2006 From www. wi-fitechnology. om [2] Consumer Reports (2010). 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